Friday, May 9, 2008

What am I going to be when I "grow up?"

Yes, I'm almost 30, I'm a wife and a mother of 2. So you'd think I was grown up, huh? But what am I going to do when I'm done having kids and they're all in school? I get bored of being at home, plus I really miss making money. I didn't make a ton before I quit to stay home, I was in the mid-20Ks is all, but if I made that now it would sure help. I'm not looking to be a futures broker or anything. But I want something I can do part time so I'm home when my kids leave for school and I'm back home when they get home. They're more important to me than any amount of money so I want to be there for them, but good gosh I need something to keep me from being too bored once they're out of the house.


 gmirage said...

I totally understand your situation! That's one reason I'm into blogging. Try the SAHM Project were you get to do stuff with your kids or Etsy, see what other people are doing. =) Enjoy being a SAHM...or be a WAHM?